Let's START!

The START Approach: Online Business Workshop 

 "How-To" Foundational Startup Course + Business System

Workflows and Organizational / Foundational Practices



Learn foundational practices and structural systems that you can apply to your business, giving you more margin, resulting in saved time and money. Everything is looked at from the perspective of ROI (return on investment). If you are looking to grow your company, this is the business owner course you need to set yourself up for success.  

During this online business workshop, Kristy will teach you about setting up your business (registration, trademarks, banking), branding, social media, newsletters, building websites, business organization, and so much more!

This online course is for you if:

  • You have a company and feel like you need 10 more of you (you need more time or help). 
  • You want to grow your company. Are you starting to experience burnout? 
  • You are considering starting a business and don't know where to start. 
  • You have been working IN your business and not ON your business.  

The START Approach: Online Business Workshop 

Ready to get started? Take the course online at your own pace. Let's get STARTed!

6 Payments of


The START Approach Business Workshop - Online

  • 6 Modules + Videos from Kristy explaining everything in depth
  • 2 FREE BONUS Videos 
  • 30-day money-back guarantee
Buy Now

3 Payments of


The START Approach Business Workshop - Online

  • 6 Modules + Videos from Kristy explaining everything in depth
  • 2 FREE BONUS Videos 
  • 30-day money-back guarantee
Buy Now

One Time Payment


The START Approach Business Workshop - Online

  • 6 Modules + Videos from Kristy explaining everything in depth
  • 2 FREE BONUS Videos 
  • 30-day money-back guarantee

Module Breakdown

  • Module 1: Getting STARTed
  • Module 2: Branding
  • Module 3: Social Media 
  • Module 4: Newsletter Workflow
  • Module 5: Website Management
  • Module 6: Business Organization
  • Plus TWO BONUS modules showing Kristy's overall file management + receipt organization.  ($149 value)

In-Person Workshops and Training

Do you want to be held accountable to learn the information and apply it? Kristy offers workshops in person that are learning the knowledge and time to implement with her guidance. 

The START Approach Business Workshop


Business Financial Training In-Person

*Located in Cumming, GA on Vision Properties 1926, Limited Availability 

  • In-person course teaching the basis for your business and workflows that will allow for growth.
  • Instructional aspect and interactive time to get your setup before you leave.

FREE- STARTup Cost Template To Get You STARTed

Do something more than once and create a template for it! I have a love of Excel, and I am big on making calculated decisions. You do that by knowing your numbers and your data.  This is an essential simple document I use as a STARTing point for company projects, startups, builds, and even home projects. I primarily use it in Google Drive to create collaborative documents to work with others. You just upload it to use in Google Drive.  Below is an Excel file for you to use as a starting point in Excel or to upload to Google Drive. 



START a company?
Create more freedom in time or profits?
Revamp your business and dial in workflows? 


Kristy Gayton


What qualifies me?

I love business. How the interworkings all work together and how a simple idea with enough heart can turn into your life. It's like a game…and if you play it right, you can scale up and gain freedom via your profits. But you have to understand the moving parts and be informed in order to make the right decisions. You CAN do what you love and are called to do through providing a service or product for others, while at the same time having a comfortable lifestyle. I believe my life, journey, and gifts are meant to help others find that freedom through organized efforts and operations.

I have sold multiple entities in various categories and still actively run four companies. I have also sold companies for face value, launched ideas that didn't work, and lost thousands. All part of the journey and plan. But I can speak about scaling companies to seven figures in one year, and I also can speak about seeing and deciding when it is time to let go.

I LOVE the idea that at the drop of a hat, we can take control of our lives, create change, and take control of our schedule and our destiny by creating our own businesses. Business ownership though is not for the faint of heart. It takes understanding, organization, and focused efforts to make it. 45% of businesses fail in the first five years, and I believe many leave so much money on the table by not running their marketing or operations efficiently. A big piece is not understanding their numbers and profits and where to put their efforts, and that is where I know I can help!

I am at a place in my life where I know my many years of varied experience are meant to be utilized to help others succeed. You don’t know what you don’t know, and I can guarantee that by being part of theSTARTapproach, I will help you make the right decisions, and save you time and money. We have designed a program to help you START and APPROACH your business like you never have before!


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Excited to get STARTed? We have compiled 5 easy ways you can increase productivity without wasting another day!