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The STARTplanner

Dated and Undated Planners to elevate productivity, align goals and budget.Ā 

The Start Approach

Online and in-person courses for productivity, systems training, and budgeting.Ā 

MeetĀ Kristy

Hi Friends! Kristy here. I look forward to getting to know you and pushing you to your greatest potential. I want you to know that I am here for you. I know how isolating entrepreneurship and life can be, and I also know what a difference it makes to have the right people guiding and supporting you. I am honored you have joined the START community. I run my home like a business, and I know it's been the right people and the right steps that have led to my freedom!Ā 
I also want to say thisā€¦ if you need anything, also reach out. I am here for you, and I am going to challenge you and push you toward the greatest potential!

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